The force of his attacks in the chapter shook Earth's tectonic plates in a frightening manner, filling humans with dread of a possible brewing natural disaster. The Hero Hunter's efforts so far were nullified by Saitama's unquestionable strength. The early parts of Chapter 164 of the One-Punch Man manga were filled with Garou's fruitless attempts to defeat the B-Class Hero. However, finally this first changed in Chapter 164 of the One-Punch Man manga as God granted Garou powers to fight evenly with the undefeated B-Class Hero, Saitama. Prior to the recent chapters, the story's narratives featuring "God" has pretty much stayed the same with the cube connection, power-granting, and a face devoid of human features. Blast the number one S-Class Hero was well-aware of this fact and is currently conducting an investigation on this powerful being with an elusive goal. The powerful being has communicated with humans using certain cubes. The God cubes are another running connection to God in the One-Punch Man series. While God seemed like an emissary of goodwill for Homeless Emperor at first, when the character tried betraying his contract with God, the fleshy being showed and killed him on the spot. Although his offer was rejected by Saitama and the Flashy Flash, characters like Homeless Emperor succumbed to his too-good-to-be-true offer, which granted him the capacity to claim an executive position in the Villain Association.
The powerful character has shown up at different points in the series with appealing offers of power and great strength to different individuals. There is still a lot of mystery behind the being, God, in the One-Punch Man's universe.